Press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S to display the Styles task pane.If you want to later see the style you just hid (so that you really can use it), all you need to do is follow these steps: Word now displays the styles list in the Styles task pane according to your selections. The style remains on the list with the addition of Hide Until Used at the end of the name. Select the style that you are not using.The Recommend tab of the Manage Styles dialog box. Make sure the Recommend tab is displayed.The Manage Styles tool at bottom of the Styles Task Pane. (This button is at bottom of Styles task pane it looks like the letter A with a check mark next to it.) Word displays the Manage Styles dialog box. If you hide a style and later discover that you need to use it, just go back to the Style Pane Options dialog box, select the style that you want to use and click on Show. This option makes it easier to manage the formatting of a project without deleting a style that will be used in a future document. Hide Until Used allows you to hide any style that is not being used at the current time. The Hide Until Used option is located in the Recommend tab in the Manage Styles dialog box that is in the Styles Window ( Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S). The styles list can become long, however, and you might not need to use every style in every document. Using styles within a template is a great tool for creating consistent formatting within one or more documents. If he marks a style as hidden, it doesn't show up in the styles list, so how can it be used?

Philip is revising a long styles list in a template and came across the Hide Until Used feature in the Recommend tab of the Manage Styles dialog box.